Thursday, August 15, 2013

Let me tell you a story about a cool guy I know.

So this entry will be a little bit less about education and much more about family.  I do believe that family though is a huge part of how we learn.

Let me tell you about my Uncle Tommy.  He is the youngest son of Patty and John Puchacz and younger brother to my father John. He is also one of the funniest men I have ever met.  He can make you laugh so hard you cry about something that doesnt really even make sense.  He has this amazing aura around him that makes you just want to sit and talk to him.  He has lived a really cool life to this point and has some amazing stories to tell.  My uncle Tommy has jumped out of an airplane more times that I can imagine and has lived more places than I know. Yet with all of his amazing stories that he can tell, he is always so ready to listen and learn from everyone else.  He doesn't have arrogance about him even with all that he knows, he has grace and a big smile.

I was a flower girl in his wedding along with my sister and I remember even at the age of 4, I knew he was a really cool guy.  I hadn't seen my uncle in about a decade until a couple years ago when he came up a few times one summer to help my father with a new property that he had bought.  It needed some serious work and my uncle being the amazing carpenter that he is, was able to do incredible things to help out my dad.  Being able to see my uncle Tommy flooded back all the memories of my childhood when he came to visit with his daughters, my cousins, and helped my dad with tapping the maple trees and making maple syrup in our back yard.  I also remember one time him picking me up from my Swim team practice in his jeep.  It was the kind with canvas sides and I had never been in something like that before,  Driving down the high way doing like 65, it sounded like the sides were going to blow in and I was going to get swept away.  That was when I knew he really was the coolest man around!

A couple weeks ago, he came to visit because he had recently gotten news that there was something wrong and that there was a chance he had cancer.  He wanted to come up and visit with my dad and go fishing up north. Seeing my uncle Tommy made me smile not only because I love spending time with him, but because I could see how happy my father was to see and spend time with him.  My dad is a great man with a huge soft spot for his family, like any other dad I guess. They had an amazing time and Tom flew back down to North Carolina to meet with his doctors and get the prognosis.  As you can probably imagine, it wasn't that great.  He was diagnosed with Stage III Lung Cancer and was told he has a 15% chance of beating this.  Now if any of you know me, when I see 15 percent, that means that there is a really BIG fighting chance, but unfortunately that fighting chance comes with a huge medical bill.  I am hoping that you can all take the time to visit the link below and either pass on the link or donate to help us help him!  ANYTHING will help!  I would love for you all to one day be able to meet the amazing man I call Uncle Tommy and hopefully with your help you will!

Thanks again in advance!

Please Donate and help out my Uncle Tommy!

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