So it has been a little while since my last post. There have been so many changes! I finished my Long term Position with the JAG program earlier this month and it has been a huge change for me. I miss my kiddos so much and am not really sure how I am managing without them! I talk to a few of them here and there but it is very different not being able to see them every day and getting the constant updates.
I did however get to go to prom! And let me tell you... that was a roller coaster and a half. seeing all of my seniors dressed up and having the time of their lives really brought back a lot of memories for me of my senior year and I am so honored that I was able to be a part of that for my kids.
One of my students had been convinced that he would not eb attending the prom as he and his girlfriend had broken up and he didn't want to go if he couldnt go with her. I talked to him a bunch and was so hopeful that he would go because even if prom isn't what it is like in the movies... its better to have gone than to regret not going later on in life. Sure enough... I saw him walk through the doors... and as you can imagine... I got all weepy. Seeing him with his big proud smile made me so happy.
Since prom, I have substituted in a number of schools, today I am actually at my rival high school and its incredible. Working with students nearing the biggest transition of their young adult lives... moving from high school to 'the real world', is such an amazing and fun thing to do. How could I ever imagine doing anything else?
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